Classical Studies Major Requirements

Mycenaean Fresco, National Archaeological Museum, Athens. Photo by F. Tronchin

Getting Started in the Classical Studies Major

All classical studies majors are required to complete the two-quarter series of elementary Ancient Greek (GREE 1 and 2) or Latin (LATN 1 and 2). GREE 1 and LATN 1 are only offered in the fall and GREE 2 and LATN 2 are only offered in the winter. Students admitted to UCSC as frosh should complete their elementary language courses no later than the begining of their second year. Transfer students should complete these courses during their first two quarter of enollment at UCSC.

Students with prior knowledge of Ancient Greek or Latin language should consult with the Classical Studies Undergraduate Director to determine if they have satisfied any of the elementary language courses.

Major Planning Tools

Add a customizable Classical Studies Major Planning Worksheet and sample quater-by-quarter course plans to your UCSC Google Drive.

***Your Classical Studies Major Planning Worksheet is the first/default sheet. Look for the sheets tabs, located at the bottom of your browser window, for the 4 Year, 3 Year, and 2 Year sample classical studies major plans.***

Major Requirements

In addition to the two lower division language courses described above, the classical studies major requires the following:

Introductory Survey (1 course)

One lower division introductory survey course:

Ancient Greek or Latin Literature (3 courses)

Three upper division courses in Ancient Greek and/or Latin literature:

The Disciplinary Communication (DC) General Education Requirement

All UCSC students must complete the Disciplinary Communication (DC) General Education Requirement in their major. Classical studies majors satisfy the DC general education requirement by completing two of the following upper division courses in Greek and/or Latin literature: LIT 184B, 184C, 184D, 184E, 186B, 186C, and 186D.

The introductory Greek and Latin literature courses, LIT 184A and LIT 186A, do not satisfy the DC requirement in classical studies.

Greek Literature
Reading proficiency in Ancient Greek required (GREE 1 and 2)

Latin Literature
Reading proficiency in Latin required (LATN 1 and 2)

Courses in the LIT 184 and LIT 186 series have rotating topics, e.g., LIT 186B, Roman Poetry: Georgics, and LIT 186B, Roman Poetry: Lucretius. LIT 184 and LIT 186 courses may be repeated for credit, meaning you may enroll in and earn credit for the same course multiple times.

Upper Division Electives (6 courses)

Six additional classical studies upper-division courses, which may include additional courses in upper division Greek or Latin Literature. See the UCSC General Catalog for a list of courses that satisfy this requirement.

Senior Comprehensive Exam and CLST 197F

Classical studies majors are required to pass a senior comprehensive examination. Each student shall identify a minimum of two classical studies faculty members to serve on the examination committee, one of which shall be designated as the committee chair. Students must complete all components of the examination no later than the 8th week of the quarter in which they intend to graduate.

Enrollment in a 2-credit comprehensive examination preparatory course, CLST 197F, Senior Comprehensive Examination Preparation, is required in the same quarter that the senior comprehensive examination will be given. The preparatory course will be taken with the chair of the student’s examination committee.